The purpose of this study is to determine the good citizenship perceptions of prospective primary school teachers and examine their good citizenship perceptions based on demographic data. The sample for the study consists of 256 pre-service primary school teachers who are studying at Fırat University in the 2022–2023 academic year and were selected using the convenience sampling method. The data were collected with the "Good Citizenship Perception Scale" data collection tool developed by Çiçek (2018) in accordance with the purpose. The data obtained were analyzed using statistical software programs. While analyzing the data, "percentage", "frequency", and "arithmetic mean" were used. "Independent Groups T-Test" and "One-Way Analysis of Variance" were used when analyzing according to variables. The findings indicate that pre-service primary school teachers responded to the scale items related to good citizenship at the levels of completely agree and agree. Additionally, pre-service classroom teachers’ perceptions of good citizenship were at a very high level, and when the perceptions of good citizenship were examined according to the sub-dimensions of the scale, it was seen that they were at a very high level. When prospective classroom teachers’ perceptions of good citizenship were analyzed in terms of variables, differentiation was observed according to gender and grade level variables. This differentiation was found in favor of female pre-service classroom teachers according to gender and in favor of fourth-grade pre-service classroom teachers according to grade level. Furthermore, no difference was found in the perceptions of good citizenship of prospective classroom teachers according to the variables of the mother’s education level, the father’s education level, family income status, and place of residence before coming to university.
Keywords: Good Citizenship, Citizenship, Perception of Good Citizenship, Classroom Teacher